Traffic can test your patience

Don’t let the hustle ruin the holidays.

From holiday gatherings to shopping trips for stocking stuffers and last-minute gifts, parking lots and roads are busier than usual. Many would say it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can quickly turn as sour as the Grinch if you’re not careful, especially when dealing with bumper-to-bumper traffic, winter conditions, and stressed drivers.

Stay kind this season. For some, the holidays are tough. You never know just how far an act of kindness goes, whether it’s allowing someone to go in front of you, or a wave of thanks.

Angry driving is unsafe driving. Speeding, cutting people off, and driving aggressively can lead to a collision. The holidays are about kindness – not anger and crashes!

Plan ahead to avoid the holiday traffic jam.  Being stuck in traffic is a temporary delay. However, if you know traffic raises your blood pressure, leave earlier and give yourself more time to make your trips.

By staying calm and being considerate on the road, you can help ensure everyone gets home safe, allowing all of us to enjoy the season with the people we love.

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