Driver Z login
Current students: access your current Driver Z account with your User ID and password here.
Program overview
Driver Z is driver education for the next generation.
Using a mix of, eLessons, virtual and in-person classes, and in-car learning, Driver Z gives students the tools, knowledge, and confidence to improve their driving ability, reduce risk, and prevent collisions.
In addition to in-car training, students are required to access the Driver Z website – to log in, complete eLessons, course work, and track their progress. The site hosts interactive eLearning activities, instructional videos, and an online practice log.
What else is new and exciting? The program has been gamified! Driver Z is organized on a map that spans six zones. Complete eLessons, attend classes and practice with a supervising driver to progress through the map and earn points and stars as you go. As you rack up the points, you unlock progress badges.
How do I register?
If you will be 15 ½ years of age by the date of the Driver Z Knowledge Test, you can register for Driver Z with a parent/guardian.
The Driver Z registration process has three key steps:
- Visit an Autopac agent or MPI Service Centre to get set up as an MPI customer.
- Pay for the Driver Z service.
- Register for a Driver Z course.
To save time and make the registration process as smooth as possible, parents/guardians and students can complete the first two steps in advance of choosing a course date – getting set up as a customer and paying for the course.
Once these two steps are complete, parents/guardians (with the student in attendance) or the student can register for available Driver Z courses in the following ways:
- Visit an Autopac Broker.
- Visit a MPI Service Centre.
- Call MPI’s Contact Centre at 204-985-700 or toll-free 1-800-665-2410.
- Call Driver Education at 204-985-7199 or toll-free 1-800-261-9928
For more information about our monthly registration process and the current courses available, visit our Course Finder page.
Customer set-up
A parent or guardian must be with the student at the Autopac agent or MPI Service Centre to become an MPI customer, or they can sign a Driver Ed Parental Consent Form and the teen can go on their own.
To get set up as a customer, you will need to bring identification. Use our Proving My identity tool to find the documents you need, or bring one of the combinations below:
Option 1 | A Vital Statistics issued birth certificate + |
Option 2 |
Canadian passport + two documents* showing where you live. |
Option 3 |
Certificate of Indian Status + birth certificate + two documents* showing where you live. |
Option 4 |
Secure Certificate of Indian Status + two documents* showing where you live. |
Option 5 |
Foreign passport (with acceptable evidence showing entitlement to be in Canada) + two documents* showing where you live. |
Option 6 |
Canadian passport + one document* showing where you live + a signed Declaration of Guarantor of Proof of Identity form, which is available on the MPI website. |
Having trouble finding two address documents?
A Guarantor Declaration can help. A Guarantor is someone who can verify your identity. To act as a Guarantor, a person must be a Canadian citizen residing in Canada, have known you personally for at least two years and work in one of the occupations listed on the Declaration of Guarantor form (e.g., teacher, principal, doctor, etc.).
Don’t forget: you will need to provide an email address when registering for Driver Z. Parent or guardians will also need to access Driver Z using an email. Student email addresses cannot be the same as their parent or guardian’s email address that they plan on using as a co-pilot for Driver Z.
Choosing a course
Once the student is set up as a customer, have purchased a service for Driver Z, and is 15 1/2, visit our Course Finder to view which courses the student is eligible for. Course Finder will display details on upcoming courses and when the next registration date is for Driver Z.
Please remember that students must be present when registering in-person for a Driver Z course or if you are registering over the phone they must be on the call. A parent or guardian cannot register for you.
The role of co-pilots and supervising drivers
We all work together to help young drivers gain the skills and knowledge they need behind the wheel. Think of it as a safe driving team.
To successfully complete Driver Z, you will need a safe driving support team which includes at least one co-pilot and a supervising driver (and yes, they can be the same person).
Supervising driver: someone who sits next to you while you acquire practice time. This individual must have held their Class 5 Full stage (5F) driver’s licence for at least three years.
Co-pilot: someone who will log on to Driver Z (either on a computer or phone) to verify your practice time online. Your co-pilot must be an MPI customer. You can invite up to eight co-pilots to share the responsibility. Co-pilots must complete eLessons 1-6 online.
Students – Before Kick-Off, you must:
- Set up your Driver Z account. (Check your email for instructions).
- Complete Electric Avenue (Zone 1). Don’t leave this to last minute – traveling Electric Avenue may take 12 hours to complete.
- Set up co-pilots through your Driver Z account (you can have up to eight). Electric Avenue (Activity 2) teaches you how to do this.
- Make sure your co-pilots complete their own Electric Avenue (Activities 1 through 6).
- Bring one of your co-pilots to Kick-Off.
Co-pilots – Before Kick-Off, you must:
- Make sure you accept the email invitation to participate in the program (students will send invitations by email through their Driver Z account).
- Complete eLessons 1-6 (can take up to three hours).
- Check your Driver Z account often!
We’ll send emails and messages to your Driver Z account with important course-related information. Expect your first email within 31 days of the course start date.

What to expect
Within 31 days of the in-class or virtual course start date, you will receive an email with instructions to log on to the Driver Z online application and begin required pre-learning activities (Zone 1, activities 1-29) before Kick-Off.

Zone 1: Electric Avenue
Cruise through Electric Avenue before the Kick-Off. Log in, complete all 29 online activities and set up your co-pilot. This zone may take up to 12 hours to complete.

Zone 2 & 3: From Easy Street to Road Sage
Attend the Kick-Off class either in-class or virtual with your co-pilot, complete 20 hours of class learning and keep up with your eLessons!
You will write your knowledge test in class five. If you pass, you need to purchase your Class 5L licence and begin in-car practice lessons. (Good luck!)

Zone 4: Highway to Help
On the Highway to Help, you’ve passed your knowledge test and are attending instructor-led in-car training (14 hours) while continuing to keep up with online requirements between lessons (2 hours).

Zone 5: Life in the Slow Lane
It’s all you! Complete at least 45 hours of in-car practice time (which must be verified by a co-pilot). If you go beyond 45 hours of in-car practice, you earn twice the points for each hour!

Zone 6: Boulevard of Dreams
This is it – the final stretch! The more you practice, the more points you get. As you do, you rise on the leaderboard and level up, collecting badges. Then, at seven months after the knowledge test and with at least 45 hours of verified practice time, you are eligible to book a readiness assessment with your instructor.
For information about driver testing, including knowledge and road tests, as well as vision and medical requirements, please visit the Testing for your Class 5 licence page.
For more information about obtaining your Class 5 licence, including the Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions in each stage, visit the Get a passenger vehicle class 5 licence page.
Why practice is so important
Applying what you’ve learned in a practical setting will help you build your confidence behind the wheel and reduce your risk as a novice driver. During the program, you must complete a minimum of 45 hours of practice time; we recommend you acquire 100 hours of in-car practice time.
Enlist a safe driving team to help you reach your goal! Everyone wants to see you succeed and become a safe driver. The online application allows you to invite up to eight co-pilots to help you achieve the minimum required amount of in-car practice time.
Helpful resources
Check out our Driver Z Quick Tips reference for more information including a visual timeline of what to expect and how students and parents can best prepare for a student’s first class.
Technical support
If you’re registered for Driver Z and are having issues accessing your account, review the Support Guide or contact MPI at 204-985-7000.
Additional program-specific support is available on Driver Z online.