When you’re behind the wheel, just drive.

There’s a time and place to scroll, daydream, eat a sandwich or fix your make-up – and it’s not while you’re behind the wheel.
Being distracted while driving, even just for two seconds, is all it takes to cause a fatal crash.
On average, one in three deaths on Manitoba roads involves a distracted driver.
Keep your focus on the road.
Drivers have one job and one job only: driving.

Avoid suspensions, fines and collisions.
The most dangerous (and preventable) behaviour is using a hand-held electronic device while behind the wheel.
If you’re a passenger and your driver is messing around on their phone, tell them to put it down. You’ll be doing them a favour! It is illegal to use a hand-held electronic device while driving in Manitoba, and the fine is a hefty $672 and possible licence suspension.
You’ll also greatly reduce your own risk of being involved in a crash. Speaking up is a win-win.

More on suspension and fines
You can learn more about distracted driving suspensions and penalties here.