Pedestrian fatalities disturbingly high for 2019: Manitoba Public Insurance

This year could be the deadliest in decades for pedestrian fatalities, according to Manitoba Public Insurance. As of mid-September 2019, there have been as many pedestrian fatalities (12) as in the previous five-year annual average (12), according to MPI.

This year’s nine-month count represents the highest pedestrian fatality count in the last 20 years. Currently, the most pedestrian deaths in a single year is 2007 with 16.

“The focus for both pedestrians and motorists must be road safety,” said Satvir Jatana, vice-president responsible for Communications, Manitoba Public Insurance. “We must all do our part to keep our roads safe. Road safety is the responsibility of all Manitobans.

“As a community, we need to start thinking differently about road safety. We need to change the conversation and create a culture where even one fatality due to a motor vehicle is considered one too many.”

On average in Manitoba about 12 pedestrians are killed and about 160 are injured yearly. About half of all pedestrian deaths occur at an intersection, while one in 10 deaths take place either between intersections or while walking on the road.

Notable data for the first eight months of 2019:

  • There have been 45 fatal collisions on Manitoba public roadways with 50 people killed; in the same period of 2018, there were 50 fatal collisions with 55 people killed.
  • Of the 50 people killed in 2019, three-quarters of fatalities took place on rural roads.
  • Of the 50 people killed in 2019, one in five were not wearing seatbelts (including child restraints).
  • About one in five fatalities were related to alcohol/drugs.
  • One in five were related to speed.
  • Five motorcyclists have been killed.
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