Your driver's licence card features

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Your photo and more


A key part of your licence is your photograph. So when you get your first licence, you need to get your picture taken at any Autopac agent or at one of our MPI Service Centre locations.


Under Class Stage, a number from 1 to 6 shows the Class of licence you have.

One or more of the following letters shows the stage of GDL you’re in:

L – Learner

I – Intermediate

F – Full

A – Authorized Instruction

M – Motorcycle Training Course only

Driver's licence restrictions

A driver's licence restriction is a limitation that may be placed on a driver’s licence. You must comply with any restrictions when you are operating a motor vehicle. Any driver’s licence restrictions you may have will be displayed on the back of your licence.

The possible restrictions/codes are shown in the table below:

Driver Licence Restriction/Code Table



Corrective Lenses


Power Steering


Maximum Speed of 70 km/h


Automatic Transmission


Daytime Only


Power Brakes


Hand Controls


Operate Mopeds Only


Side Mirrors


Commercial Class – Canada Only


Driver’s Licence Addendum


Driver's licence addendum

A driver's licence addendum is required when a driver has conditions on his or her licence, and these conditions and their descriptions exceed the print space on the licence. If you have been issued a driver's licence addendum it must be carried with your driver's licence (temporary or permanent) at all times by law.

Donor card

Organ and tissue donation saves lives. If you want to record your intent to donate organs and tissue, please register at – Manitoba’s online organ and tissue registry.

The blue paper cards are no longer an option.

If you have any questions about organ or tissue donation to the FAQs section on

About the renewal process

With our easy and convenient five-year licences and policies, you’ll only need to visit an Autopac agent once every five years, unless you want to change or cancel your policy between renewals or you change your name, address or other personal information on your driver’s licence.

However, you still pay for your driver’s licence and vehicle insurance every year. In years between renewals (reassessment years), you will receive an annual statement of account, telling you what you owe.

In your reassessment years or renewal year, you can choose to pay:

  • online with VISA or MasterCard (see list of qualifying payments)
  • online or by telephone through your financial institution (you'll need your customer number)
  • in person with cash, cheque , debit, VISA or MasterCard wherever Autopac is sold

Remember, you must visit an Autopac agent to change or cancel your driver’s licence or vehicle insurance. It will not automatically lapse after one year. It will remain in effect and you will be charged for it.