Manitoba Public Insurance is now accepting Canadian Forces driver licences and identification cards to help establish the identity of military personnel who relocate to Manitoba and apply for a Manitoba driver licence or identification card, Crown Services Minister Ron Schuler and Manitoba Public Insurance announced today.
“These military cards are issued by the Department of National Defence and in all cases, the military card holder goes through a stringent process to establish and confirm their identity,” said Schuler. For this reason, driver licences and identification cards issued by the Canadian Forces can now be used to satisfy provincial identity requirements except to confirm address in Manitoba and legal entitlement to be in Canada.”
“This is a positive step in expediting the transition to Friendly Manitoba,” added Schuler.
Manitoba’s Special Envoy for Military Affairs, MLA Jon Reyes (St. Norbert), said today’s announcement will be warmly welcomed within the military ranks.
“It can be a real challenge when military members and their families are moved between provinces,” said Reyes, who served 10 years in the Canadian Forces himself, including five years stationed on the HMCS Winnipeg as a member of the Royal Canadian Navy.
“The acceptance of military identification cards and driver licences by Manitoba Public Insurance means one less worry when a member of our military is stationed to Manitoba and applies for a provincial driver licence or identification card.”
“This change is effective immediately, and is also being adopted in other Canadian jurisdictions that don’t already recognize military identification cards or driver licences for identity verification purposes,” said Ward Keith, vice-president, Loss Prevention and Communications, Manitoba Public Insurance.
“In 2015, Manitoba was one of two provinces in Canada to start recognizing commercial class military driver licences for upgrade to equivalent class civilian driver licences,” said Keith. “Recognizing these licences and now identification cards to satisfy applicable identity requirements is a logical extension of this policy.”
Manitoba was also proud to introduce the “Support our Troops” specialty licence plate series in June 2015 as a means to honour and recognize the commitment of our Canadian Forces personnel. Since that time, more than 2,200 passenger vehicle and motorcycle plates have been sold; raising nearly $70,000 in proceeds used to sponsor local military and reservist personnel to pursue post-secondary university or technical college education within Manitoba through the Manitoba Military Scholarship Fund. To date, 10 qualifying recipients have received education scholarships through this important program.
“While in opposition, our party was proud to introduce the original legislation that led to the introduction of the Support our Troops specialty licence plate series,” Minister Schuler said. “To see so many of these specialty plates in circulation today makes me so proud of our Canadian Forces,” said Schuler. “These plates are one simple way that all Manitobans can say thank you, and in doing so, support the Manitoba Military Scholarship Fund.”
Support our Troops specialty licence plates continue to be available through all Autopac outlets. The cost of each set of plates is $70.00 with $30.00 directed to supporting the military scholarship program in Manitoba.