Our Special Risk Extension department maintains an extensive Fleet Safety Program, designed to work with you to help raise your company’s level of safety awareness.
An on-site visit from our fleet safety specialists, as part of our Fleet Safety Program, can help you identify ways to improve how you do business. Various aspects of your operation will be thoroughly reviewed, ranging from management to driver selection to maintenance and road-safety programs. Loss trend analysis is also conducted to identify potential areas of concern.
The fleet safety representative will work with you to develop an effective road-safety program designed to:
- reduce accidents
- reduce operating costs
- improve customer retention
- decrease cargo claims
Vehicle Inspection Trailer
The Vehicle Inspection Unit (VIU) is a mobile state-of-the-art diagnostic unit designed to promote safer vehicles on our roads and highways.
The VIU provides on-site vehicle brake and suspension inspection service for semi-trailer tractor units, trailers, buses, and other large highway vehicles. It collects safety data from a series of tests on the braking system, steering suspension, axle weight, and brake-line air pressures, and provides an analysis of the vehicle’s braking system.
A detailed safety print-out helps fleet owners identify trouble areas before they become dangerous problems.
SRE’s vehicle inspection unit is the only portable inspection trailer currently provided by an insurance company. This service is free to SRE fleet customers, and many clients are making it part of their regular safety program.
The VIU inspects two key areas for safety: brakes and suspension.
A heavy-equipment service representative (certified transport truck mechanic) will assist your driver in maneuvering your tractor or trailer onto the test bed.
The VIU tests braking capacity by driving the tires with a set of rollers. When your brakes are applied, the equipment measures, records and graphs their capability.
Each axle undergoes a variety of tests including diagnostic static and dynamic brake tests, roll resistance, axle weight, and brake-line air pressure. The VIU compiles the data and prints the results.
We also visually inspect the front axle, steering components and suspension systems. Your driver or maintenance manager receives the test results.
The VIU’s diagnostic equipment is fully transportable – we can bring it to you.
Contact us
The VIU can help you improve your bottom line by ensuring that safer trucks and trailers are on the road and by reducing maintenance down time.
To book an appointment, call our heavy-equipment service representative at
1–204–985–1631 (office)
1–204–799–2536 (cell)