We’re here to help. You can reach us by phone, or visit us in person.

Call us

For claims and general inquiries, call us.

In Winnipeg
Call 204-985-7000

Outside Winnipeg (and outside Manitoba)
Call toll-free 1-800-665-2410

Deaf Access TTY/TDD
Call 204-985-8832

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday to Friday – 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Saturday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday – Closed

Visit us

There are more than 300 Autopac agents throughout Manitoba to serve you. Use our Find a Service tool to locate an Autopac agent. You can also visit any of our service and claim centres across the province.

Find a Service

Use the Find a Service tool to locate:

  • an Autopac agent
  • a service or claim centre
  • a glass repair shop
  • a winter tire retailer

Email us

If you have questions or comments, you can contact us electronically using our General Inquiries form. Please allow two business days for a reply.

Report fraud

If you have information about suspected auto insurance fraud, use our online tip form to report it or call our confidential Manitoba Public Insurance TIPS line:

  • In Winnipeg: 204-985-8477
  • Outside Winnipeg: toll free 1-877-985-8477

We are committed to protecting you from the cost of insurance fraud. Suspicious or fraudulent claims are reviewed and investigated by our Special Investigation Unit.

Media relations

For information or interview requests, media can contact our Media Relations Unit at 204-985-7300.

Road safety and community relations

For information on booking a community program or a school program, call 204-985-8737, email [email protected] or use our Contact Community Relations form.

Mail and deliveries

Our official Mailing Address is:
Manitoba Public Insurance
Box 6300
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4A4

Our official Delivery Address is:
Manitoba Public Insurance
Box 6300
Room B100, 234 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4A4

Video above in American Sign Language (ASL)

How can we assist you?

Manitoba Public Insurance recognizes that individuals with disabilities can face barriers that hinder their ability to access the goods and services Manitoba Public Insurance provides.

At Manitoba Public Insurance, we believe in inclusion, value diversity, and recognize the importance of improving access and removing barriers for customers, the public and employees.

Should you require any accessibility assistance when seeking to access Manitoba Public Insurance’s goods and services, we’re here to help you throughout your journey in a manner that allows you to maintain your dignity and independence.

If you have an accessibility request, please contact us in writing, by telephone, or by email:

Manitoba Public Insurance
Accessibility Coordinator
Box 6300 – 234 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB. R3C 4A4

Phone 204-985-8770, ext. 7477

Toll-free 1-800-665-2410

TTY 204-985-8832

Email: [email protected]


2024 Accessibility Survey from September 9-27

Every other year, Manitoba Public Insurance conducts an Accessibility Survey to help us better understand and improve accessibility throughout our business. By obtaining feedback from the public and Manitoba’s many disability advocacy organizations, the survey serves to inform Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessibility Plan that addresses the identification, prevention and removal of barriers that affect equitable access to the policies, programs, practices and services we provide. Participation in the survey is open to anyone who has experienced, witnessed or observed a barrier to accessibility in their interactions with MPI, and those who may otherwise wish to provide constructive feedback on this topic.

The survey takes about five minutes to complete. To participate in the survey, please click here.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this survey, or if you require an alternative format, please contact us at [email protected].

Statement of Commitment to Foster Accessibility

Manitoba Public Insurance is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We believe in inclusion and are committed to treating people with disabilities in ways that allow them to maintain their dignity and independence.

We will meet the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. The Accessibility for Manitobans Act seeks to identify, remove and prevent barriers in key areas of daily living. Read more about The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and the associated standards here.

In response to this Act, Manitoba Public Insurance created an Accessibility Plan, which is used as a roadmap to ensure that we have a clear and comprehensive plan towards achieving universal accessibility. Manitoba Public Insurance’s goal is to ensure all Manitobans feel welcome and accommodated according to their needs.

Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessibility Plan

Universal accessibility means that all people, regardless of their physical or intellectual abilities, have access to all information and services. The Accessibility Plan outlines a long-term process for Manitoba Public Insurance to achieve this goal and comply with the standards identified in The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. This strategy document is updated with an overview of achievements, progress and opportunities for improvement every second year. View Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessibility Plan here.

Manitoba Public Insurance also follows The Act’s Accessible Customer Service Standard. You can view Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessible Customer Service Policy here.

We also follow The Accessible Employment Service Standard. You can view Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessible Employment Policy here.

Most recently, The Accessible Information and Communication Standard was enacted on May 1, 2024.

We encourage feedback about our Accessibility Plan as well as any feedback related to accessibility in general. Feedback can be made in writing, by telephone, or emailed to:

Manitoba Public Insurance
Accessibility Coordinator
Box 6300 – 234 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB. R3C 4A4

Phone 204-985-8770, ext. 7477

Toll-free 1-800-665-2410

TTY 204-985-8832

Email: [email protected]

MPI has a dedicated Accessibility Coordinator who reviews customer feedback and concerns in collaboration with Manitoba Public Insurance’s Accessibility Working Committee and works towards finding appropriate resolution for issues brought to their attention.

Manitoba Public Insurance commits to providing a response acknowledging receipt of the feedback or concern within two business days.

Manitoba Public Insurance is a Crown corporation that delivers insurance, registration and licensing services to Manitoba drivers. We’re available through claim and service centres in 12 communities across the province, and services are also available at almost 300 Autopac agents across Manitoba.

We’re accountable to you. Through our board of directors, we report to the Minister and Department of Justice and Cabinet. We also report to the Manitoba Legislature via the Standing Committee on Crown Corporations and the Public Utilities Board.

Our history

In 2021, MPI proudly celebrated its 50th anniversary of supporting Manitobans. Watch below to look back on the value we have continually delivered through our products, services and road safety education over the years:

Public insurance was introduced in Manitoba after extensive public hearings that found the existing private system to be expensive, inadequate and confusing. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation officially opened for business on Nov. 1, 1971, to provide Basic compulsory, universally-available auto insurance coverage.

At that time, the Manitoba Automobile Insurance Committee Report set out the general framework of a public auto insurance system. This included such features as universally available mandatory insurance protection, lower rates than those charged by private insurance companies for comparable coverage, operating at a financial break-even level over the long term and pursuing traffic safety and loss prevention programs.

In 2004, the government merged the operations of the former Division of Driver and Vehicle Licensing into Manitoba Public Insurance, and the Corporation became responsible for the administration of The Drivers and Vehicles Act (DVA).

This led to a complete integration of driver licensing, vehicle registration, driver insurance and vehicle insurance. Driver licensing and vehicle registration are inextricably linked to insurance, providing one of the major advantages of our public insurance system: significantly reducing the likelihood of uninsured drivers on the roadway by ensuring that all licensed drivers are insured drivers and all registered vehicles are insured vehicles.

Today, Manitoba Public Insurance serves Manitobans at service and claim centres in 12 communities, and provides services through more than 300 Autopac agents across the province.


Exceptional coverage and service, affordable rates and safer roads through public auto insurance.


The trusted auto insurance and driver services provider for every Manitoban.


As a public auto insurer, we hold ourselves accountable to all Manitobans to deliver value by fostering a culture of excellence. We achieve this through our four core values:

Striving for Excellence

We provide exceptional coverage and service. We adapt to meet evolving customer and industry needs, focusing on continuous improvement.

Providing Value to Manitobans

We maintain affordable rates and ensure accessible coverage. As a public auto insurer, fiscal responsibility is at the forefront of everything we do.

Doing What’s Right

We act with integrity and accountability. We strive to be open and transparent.

Investing in People

We empower our employees to provide excellent service. We work together with business, community and road safety partners to fulfil our mission.

The Minister

Hon. Matt Wiebe

Minister of Justice and Attorney General & Minister Responsible for Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)

(MLA for Concordia)

More information about Minister Wiebe is available at Manitoba Cabinet Ministers.

The Board of Directors

Manitoba Public Insurance’s Board of Directors consists of the following members:

Carmen Nedohin, Chairperson

Christian Dandeneau

JD Devgan

Fran Frederickson

Luke Johnston

Gina McKay

Marilyn McLaren

Diane Roussin

Candy Wong

Satvir Jatana (Ex-Officio)

The Executive

Satvir Jatana
President & Chief Executive Officer

Tamara Boblinski
Vice President & Chief People Officer

Maria Campos
Vice President & Chief Customer and Product Officer

John Bowering
Vice President & Chief Claims Officer

Anthony Guerra
Vice President, Chief Legal & Risk Officer

Roy Hart
Vice President & Chief Information & Technology Officer

Marnie Kacher
Vice President & Chief Operations Officer

Ryan Kolaski
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Cara Low
Vice President & Chief Actuary

In 2016, the Manitoba government passed The Francophone Community Enhancement and Support Act to provide a formal legislative framework for enhancing the vitality of Manitoba’s Francophone community and for supporting and assisting its development. In compliance with the Act, Manitoba Public Insurance has since developed its own plan and supporting documents outlining its commitment to provide French Language Services to its customers and stakeholders.

MPI’s French Languages Services Plan

View Manitoba Public Insurance’s French Language Services Plan.

We have created the Manitoba Public Insurance French Language Services Plan. The plan provides a summary and highlights of MPI’s past achievements and successes and outlines our current and future work in the area of enhancing French Language Services for our customers and stakeholders. It also includes a roadmap for completing our future work as required through our government-approved multi-year plan.

Statement of Commitment

View Manitoba Public Insurance’s Statement of Commitment.

Our Statement of Commitment defines the high level of commitment we have to providing French Language Services, articulates how we strive to provide these to our customers and stakeholders, and how we are working to deliver on this promise.

Contact Us

We encourage feedback about our French Language Services Plan as well as any feedback related to French language services. Feedback can be made in writing, by telephone, TTY or emailed to:

Manitoba Public Insurance
French Language Services Coordinator
820 – 234 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB. R3C 4A4
Phone 204-985-8770, ext. 7477
Toll-free 1-800-665-2410
TTY 204-985-8832
Email: [email protected]

MPI values your trust in us to protect your personal information, and we’re committed to safeguarding that information with a sound mix of technology, processes and awareness.

Cyber criminals want your information to commit different kind of frauds including identity thefts. You can help prevent cyber criminals from obtaining personal and valuable information by following simple cyber security tips:

Choose strong passwords

  • Your password is your digital key that could unlock a world of lucrative information for cyber criminals.
  • Never share your passwords with anyone. If you’re afraid of losing it, use a password manager instead.
  • Change passwords on a regular basis.
  • Always change default passwords (router password, home control system, etc.).
  • Enable multi-factor authentication where possible.
  • Choose long and strong passwords. A good tip is to create pass phrases instead of a single word; use a mixture of capital letters, small letters, numbers and special characters such @#%$&
  • Avoid common dictionary words or easy to guess passwords like “password” or “user” or “Admin123”.
  • Use passphrases instead of a dictionary word. Try to use the first letter from any sentence of your favorite book, quote, or song. This makes it easy to remember and hard to guess.

Follow safe online practices

  • Use only official and legitimate websites to transact with vendors and organizations.
  • Do not click on a link sent through email, text message, or within social media messages. Instead, type the address into your browser.

Protect yourself from phishing and ransomware attacks

  • Be cautious about e-mails requiring urgent action, promising unexpected rewards or threatening. If it is too good to be true, then it probably is.
  • Do not open e-mail attachments from unknown senders.
  • Always keep your software up to date. Software companies routinely improve the security of their programs and deliver them through “updates”.
  • Only download updates from a verifiable source, like the makers of the software.

Understand secure email and spamming

  • Do not use your work e-mail on public websites or for personal communications.
  • Do not transfer chain e-mails; break the spamming chain and gain trust.
  • Do not send confidential information through e-mails, it can be easily intercepted and read.
  • Do not reply to spam emails or click on unsubscribe buttons in those e-mails. Instead, mark them as spam or block them.

Be cautious using public Wi-Fi

  • Free public Wi-Fi found at restaurants, malls and airports are also used by malicious users and criminals to intercept the information you send and receive. This could include your personal information, user ID and password, your banking and credit card information, etc.
  • Avoid conducting online banking and shopping using public Wi-Fi. Instead, use a private Wi-Fi network (like at home) or switch to mobile data.
  • Avoid conducting personal or financial transactions on public Wi-Fi.
  • Consider using a Virtual Private Network app, also known as VPN.

Think twice about how “social” you are on various platforms

  • Limit the amount and types of information you share on social media platforms; the more detailed information you share the more vulnerable you become.
  • Sharing personal information online may give criminals sufficient information to access your online accounts such as email, online banking and shopping accounts.
  • You must also control who can see your information by updating your privacy settings.

Download safely

  • Do not download unauthorized software or files as these can get you or your organization into troubles and serious breaches.

Maintain data privacy

  • Do not disclose or share your personal (such as driver’s license number) or customer data with unauthorized people.
  • Do not send money, disclose your financial information to anyone — particularly someone you haven’t met in person.

Adhere to mobile safety tips

  • Download applications only from well-known app stores.
  • Check for authenticity of the apps by referring to download numbers, comments, reviews and ratings.

Perform regular backups

  • Make regular backups of your data and test them.
  • Protect data stored on removable media.

MPI’s financial reserves, also known as our capital reserve fund, act like an emergency fund. These reserves can help maintain stability through a serious but unexpected financial situation.

The principle is no different than families having emergency savings in their personal finances to help them ride out a personal financial crisis, such as a job loss.

MPI’s capital reserve fund functions the same way, giving us the ability to ride out an unexpected investment loss or increase in claims costs. But how much capital should we have in our capital reserve fund?

The property and casualty insurance (P&C) industry standard for setting reserves is called the Minimum Capital Test (MCT). As the name implies, it is the minimum amount that should be held in reserve. MPI’s Basic Reserve Fund Target is now set at 100 per cent of the MCT. Comparatively, private insurers generally hold more than double this, or over 200 per cent MCT.


The goal of our capital reserve fund is simple: to manage financial volatility and ensure rates remain stable, predictable and affordable. No one wants rate shocks and massive increases following major adverse events.

By reducing our operating costs, improving the return on our investments, and with a little luck from good weather, MPI has reached the Reserve Fund Target.

Rate stability: two lines of defence

The fund is one element of MPI’s plan to maintain rate stability and prevent large sudden rate increases for Manitoba drivers.

Our first line of defence is to transfer any excess capital from our competitive lines of insurance (these include Autopac options such as rental vehicle insurance or increased third-party liability). After such a transfer, if the reserve fund remained below its target, we would replenish it gradually over five years to help maintain rate stability. Likewise, if operating transfers were to result in the fund exceeding its target, we would return that money to customers through lower rates in the future.

Sufficient capital

Setting reserves at 100 per cent MCT ensures that we have sufficient capital to absorb any unforeseen variations in revenues and claims costs, and that Basic compulsory rates are kept as stable, predictable and affordable as possible for Manitoba drivers.

Capital fund build or rebate

The capital build percentage is determined annually if the reserves are forecast to be below target when rates are being determined. Should a capital build (surcharge) be required, this is expected to differ from one year to the next, depending on the factors outlined above. This does not affect the customer’s base premium in future years.

On the other hand, if MPI’s reserves are above 120 per cent of MCT, MPI will apply for a rebate, lowering the capital reserve fund to the targeted amount.

Manitoba Public Insurance promotes and supports sustainable development in a variety of ways. From how we construct our buildings to the initiatives we help advance, we are committed to creating a cleaner and healthier environment.

Our facilities

We ensure that our buildings are built and operated in an environmentally friendly manner.

Most of our buildings are certified to the LEED or Green Globes standards for new construction or major renovations and BOMA Best for the operation of existing buildings. Our portfolio also includes two BOMA Building of the Year awards and three Earth awards.

We have also reduced the footprint of our facilities, and occupy 125,000 square feet less than we did in 2010.

In addition, we take clear steps to ensure our facilities are all free of potential environmental hazards. Working with damaged vehicles creates a potential for leaking fluids, a potential hazard to both our workplaces, properties and the broader environment. We manage this risk by inspecting vehicles entering our properties and, where necessary, using spills kits to contain and collect fluids for safe treatment and disposal. We routinely test our properties for vehicle contaminants, to further verify that our vehicle handling operations are not causing environmental concerns.


Manitoba Public Insurance is a corporate leader in recycling and putting recycled goods to active use – in a wide variety of ways.

Vehicles that are written off following a collision are sold to automobile parts recyclers and the general public, then rebuilt or used for parts. Our salvage operation sells approximately 30,000 total loss vehicles each year. At an average of 3,500 pounds per vehicle, that equals more than 105 million pounds (or 52,500 tons) of vehicles sold. That’s comparable to the weight of the Titanic!

We also used recycled parts in repairs, wherever feasible. Besides being environmentally friendly, this helps reduce claims costs while ensuring quality repairs.

In auction vehicles with intact air conditioning systems, remaining CFCs are captured prior to sale for recycling or safe disposal. In 2017-18, CFCs were captured from more than 26,000 vehicles.

Across our workplaces, we have recycling programs for paper, metal, plastics, glass, batteries and more. We also donate our older electronics, building fixtures and other materials to groups who can continue to use them.

In addition to recycling, we continue to reduce our paper consumption by doing more business electronically. Sustainability is a consideration in all our procurement processes.

Green transportation

At Manitoba Public Insurance, we fully support green transportation and commuting.

  • To encourage employee commuting by bus, the Corporation participates in the Winnipeg Transit Eco Pass program which offers employees a monthly pass at a discounted rate.
  • To promote active commuting, we provide bike racks or secure storage rooms at all locations.
  • We’ve reduced the size of our commercial vehicle fleet, and a portion of our current fleet are fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles.
  • MPI and its employees support and participate in events that promote sustainable actions and active transportation, including Bike to Work Day.

We’re committed to protecting your privacy by keeping your personal information and your personal health information accurate, confidential and secure. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) and The Drivers and Vehicles Act (DVA) set the rules for how we and our Autopac agents may collect, use and share your information, and how it must be safeguarded.

These statutes also set out your rights to:

  • request access to your own information
  • ensure your information is kept private
  • access to records held by public bodies such as MPI (see the Requests for Access section below for more information)

Types of information

Personal information is recorded information about you, including your name, home address, home telephone or fax number, age, gender and any identifying number such as your driver’s licence number. It also includes electronic scans of your signature and photo.

Personal health information is recorded information about your health or health care, or payment for your health care. This includes your Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN).

Why we collect information

For driver licensing and vehicle registration, we collect this information to:

  • administer driver licensing and vehicle registration programs
  • decide if your health prevents you from driving safely
  • determine if you qualify medically for a certain class of driver’s licence
  • monitor the performances of drivers, vehicle inspection stations, dealers, salespersons, recyclers, driving schools and driver trainers

For our insurance programs, including claims handling and underwriting, we collect this information to:

  • establish and maintain communication with our customers
  • underwrite risks properly
  • investigate and pay personal-injury and property-damage claims
  • prevent and detect fraud
  • offer and provide products and services to our customers
  • conduct surveys and research and compile statistics, to help us deliver better products and service to our customers
  • comply with the law
  • conduct business or other activities as permitted or required by law
  • help enforce the law
  • perform any other activity necessary to achieve any of the above

For the Manitoba Identification Card program, we collect information to:

  • verify your identity and to determine your eligibility for a Manitoba Identification Card
  • issue you a Manitoba Identification Card that will be accepted as a credible, reliable proof of identity or age
  • evaluate and monitor the Manitoba Identification Card program and to carry out research and planning with respect to it
  • ensure the integrity of the identification card and driver licensing systems and to prevent abuse of these systems
  • administer and enforce the provisions of The Drivers and Vehicles Act and the regulations under that Act

MPI is permitted to collect your personal information for these purposes under the authority of The Drivers and Vehicles Act section 150.5 (basic identification card) and of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act section 36(1)(a) (information collection authorized under an enactment) and (b) (information relates directly to and is necessary for a program operated by Manitoba Public Insurance).

MPI cannot use or disclose your personal information for purposes other than those stated above unless you consent, or unless Manitoba Public Insurance is authorized to do so by The Drivers and Vehicles Act, the regulations under that Act, or The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have questions about the collection and handling of your personal information, please contact the Manitoba Public Insurance Privacy & Access Specialist at 204-985-8770 ext. 7384, or by mail at 900–234 Donald Street, Box 6300, Winnipeg MB, R3C 4A4.


Does anyone else have access to my information?

Only our employees who need your information to provide a driver or vehicle service or to manage one of our programs may access it. Our adjusters are able to access driver’s licence and vehicle registration information required to handle claims. If we’re considering any other uses of your information, we’ll ask you beforehand for your written consent.

In most cases, you must give us written permission before we can disclose your information to another person or organization. However, under Manitoba’s privacy legislation and The Drivers and Vehicles Act, there are some situations in which we can disclose your information without your consent.

With whom and for what reasons can we share your information without your consent?

Without your consent, we can share your information with:

  • law enforcement agencies, government departments and agencies, and municipalities, for enforcing the law or preventing crime
  • Manitoba Justice, for use in a prosecution or for collecting outstanding fines
  • other departments within Manitoba Public Insurance, for administering our driver licensing and vehicle registration programs and our insurance programs
  • federal, provincial and municipal governments and agencies, for collecting monies owed to them
  • various Manitoba government departments and agencies, for determining eligibility for programs and services, and for investigating fraud
  • The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, for supporting its Driver and Vehicle Licensing Alcohol and Drug program
  • Transport Canada, for administering the Canadian Vehicle Survey
  • Elections Canada, for administering and updating the National Register of Electors
  • other licensing jurisdictions, for administering the Interprovincial Record Exchange System
  • traffic authorities, as defined in The Highway Traffic Act, for managing traffic/parking programs
  • service providers that deliver a program or service to, or on behalf of, Manitoba Public Insurance

We occasionally share information with researchers whose research could help promote road safety. In each case, we enter into a formal review process and a written agreement with the researcher to protect your information.

We also share your information with the War Amps. Manitoba has a formal agreement with the War Amps to provide the names and addresses of licensed Manitoba drivers each year. This helps them provide a valuable public service.

To have your name removed from the War Amps list, contact:

Manitoba Public Insurance
Vehicle Registration Information
Box 6300
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4A4
Phone: 204-985-1999
Facsimile: 204-953-4999

Insurance fraud is far from a victimless crime – it costs us all. Auto insurance fraud totals about $50 million every year – that’s about $50 per year for every Manitoba Public Insurance ratepayer.

Fraud encompasses a wide range of activities to enrich the perpetrator at everyone’s expense. Manitoba Public Insurance works closely with law enforcement to combat auto insurance fraud and hold fraudsters accountable.

What you can do

Anyone with information about auto insurance fraud is encouraged to use our online tip form to report it, or call the confidential Manitoba Public Insurance TIPS Line: 204-985-8477 or toll-free 1-877-985-8477. All calls are anonymous.

Types of fraud

Some frauds may be elaborate and highly planned, such as staged collisions or intentional vehicle arson. However, fraud also includes such things as exaggerating personal injury, claiming income replacement indemnity when you’re able to work, claiming unrelated or pre-existing vehicle damage, or providing a false or misleading account of how a crash happened. The most common types of fraudulent claims involve vehicle fires, total thefts and, to a lesser degree, vandalism, partial theft and hit-and-run losses.

Committing auto insurance fraud can have serious consequences. In Manitoba, claims confirmed as fraudulent will result in termination of benefits, outright denial of insurance coverage, and possible criminal charges.

Special Investigation Unit

Our Special Investigation Unit (SIU) is dedicated to investigating suspicious claims and catching fraudsters in the act. In an average year, the SIU closes about 1,600 claim investigations. Some of these investigations result in criminal charges, others in suspicious claims being withdrawn, saving millions of dollars each year.

The SIU works closely with Manitoba Justice and with law enforcement agencies, including the RCMP and Winnipeg Police Service, to investigate fraud.

See our annual news release outlining some of the frauds we have uncovered in the past year.

For security purposes, Manitoba Public Insurance has an ongoing commitment to upgrading our technology platforms and services. As such, some older browsers may no longer be supported. If you are having difficulty connecting to any of our sites, please upgrade your browser and try again.

This Website is provided by The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and is intended to provide general information on the various services and programs sponsored by The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation. It is not intended to provide legal advice or to be relied upon as binding in any dispute, claim, action, demand or proceeding. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act, The Highway Traffic Act, The Drivers and Vehicles Act and their accompanying Regulations should be consulted for the interpretation and application of the law. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages or losses of any kind, including claims in negligence, arising out of your use of this site or your reliance upon its contents.

Visitors to this site agree that the laws of Manitoba and Canada apply to any issue that might arise with The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation regarding this site.

Although we attempt to ensure the reliability of the content of this site, we cannot guarantee the information to be current, accurate or complete. The content of the site is subject to periodic modification without notice.

Sites accessed by hyperlinks appearing in this site are not developed, maintained or endorsed by The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation. Accordingly, The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation is not responsible for any loss or damage arising out of your use of the hyperlinks.

Privacy Statement

The confidentiality of your personal information is an important issue to The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, which adheres to the provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Personal Health Information Act. Any personal information received by The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation as a result of your visit to this site, such as your IP address, will be kept confidential.

The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation collects statistical data by using Google Analytics to gather information about usage of this site. The information collected is aggregate data only and does not identify specific individuals. The information is collected for the following purposes:

  • security purposes
  • statistical and research purposes
  • to help us make the site more useful to visitors
  • for marketing purposes

In order for website components to function efficiently, and as well as for the purposes described above, The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation makes use of pixel-tracking and cookies when you visit the site.

Any communication transmitted to The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation by electronic mail or otherwise, via this site, becomes the property of The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, who, subject only to the confidentiality of any personal information contained therein, will be free to use any idea contained therein for any purpose whatsoever.

Online Credit Card Payment User Terms and Conditions

Just like with all other personal information, The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation takes the protection of your credit card information very seriously. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized access.

The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation does not collect or retain the credit card information you enter through the online credit card payment service. Instead, we’ve partnered with a third party organization that specializes in securing online credit card payment transactions.

By making an online credit card payment to The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, you accept the following terms and conditions.

  1. You are stating that you are an authorized user of the credit card and that the associated information entered (account number, billing address, etc.) is accurate.
  2. You authorize The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation to charge the amount you have requested to your credit card.
  3. If your credit card issuer or network does not honour an online payment transaction, The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation has the right to charge the amount of any such transaction to your account or to collect the amount from you, including any late payment penalties that may apply.
  4. If your credit card issuer or network does not honour an online payment transaction, The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation may cancel your right to participate in the online credit card payment service.
  5. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation will strive to make the online credit card payment service available at all times, however there may be occasions when it will be unavailable for use. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation will not be responsible for any penalties or fees arising from this service being unavailable for use.

By providing your email address, you are consenting to electronically receive a one-time confirmation of the online credit card payment to the email address you have provided.

In order to make an online credit card payment, you must have Internet access. In order to store your transaction receipt on paper, you will need a printer connected to your computer. You may also store the transaction receipt in your offline files or in an electronic storage device. The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation is not required to provide paper copies of transaction receipts. By authorizing an online credit card payment, you confirm that your system meets the requirements and that you have the capability to access and download or print electronic transaction receipts.

Your online credit card payment will be reflected on your Manitoba Public Insurance account within 1-3 business days. If your payment is not reflected on your account after three business days, please contact an Autopac agent.


All trademarks are owned by The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. The contents of this site are protected by copyright and information on this site shall only be copied for personal use and may not be reproduced, or distributed for any other purpose, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation. The information on this site may not be modified, adapted, altered or changed in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation.

Are you looking for a meaningful career at one of Manitoba’s top employers? Look no further than Manitoba Public Insurance. See below for information on everything you need to apply:

What’s your idea of a great workplace?

Somewhere that nurtures your unique talents. A place where you’ll know you’re succeeding and your career can grow. A place that offers you work-life balance and competitive pay.

That place is Manitoba Public Insurance. We’re a future-oriented company with more than 1,750 talented, high-performing employees working in 12 communities across Manitoba.

We’re a non-profit provincial Crown corporation that has provided Basic automobile coverage since 1971. As one of the province’s Top Employers, we’ll ensure you get the training, tools and encouragement you need to succeed. We provide a respectful, inclusive work environment with clear and consistent direction, and our people have the support they need to do their jobs and the opportunity for career growth and advancement.

We hire individuals with a variety of education and experience and there are many opportunities for advancement in a range of different fields, which means you can drive your career to destinations you might never have imagined.

Join our talent community

Not ready to make a career move just yet? Not a problem. The Manitoba Public Insurance Talent Community allows individuals to create a user profile and submit an online application, cover letter and/or resume that will be considered for future opportunities. Our Talent Community allows current or future job seekers to express their interest in one or more of the following areas:

  • Clerical
  • Adjusting
  • Bilingual (English/French)
  • General Consideration

Although many of our clerical and adjusting roles start out as term placements, many have the potential to become permanent. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and start your career with Manitoba Public Insurance!

Please note, opportunities may arise at various locations throughout the province so be sure to indicate which location(s) interest you.


As a clerk, you will gain valuable experience in an exciting office environment while expanding your professional network. You can expect to perform general administrative duties while gaining familiarity with various departmental functions within Manitoba Public Insurance. To be considered for a clerk opportunity, you will be required to successfully complete standard administrative testing that will assess your typing skills and ability to use Microsoft Office.


As an associate adjuster, you will acquire the skills necessary to adjust all types of physical and property damage claims. In addition to investigating, assessing, negotiating and settling claims, you will advise customers on available benefits, liability surcharges and merit and discount programs. To be considered for an associate adjuster opportunity, you must successfully complete the associate adjuster qualification test.

Designated Bilingual (English/French)

Manitoba Public Insurance provides services to the general public in both official languages. As a result, various roles are designated bilingual and require proficiency in both English and French. To be considered for a designated bilingual opportunity, you must meet the minimum language proficiency requirement. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a language proficiency assessment.

General Consideration

Interested in other opportunities with Manitoba Public Insurance? We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s information technology, human resources, finance or any other area, you can always submit a resume for general consideration. Be sure to indicate in your cover letter or resume your area(s) of interest.

How to apply

See our current openings and submit your resume for general consideration or apply directly to any one of the three Talent Community postings located in our job listings.

Recruitment Process

Apply online.

Your complete application (application, cover letter and resume) will be screened to ensure you meet the minimum requirements of the positon.

Should you meet the minimum requirements, you may be invited to participate in the testing portion of the recruitment process.

Should you pass the testing portion of the recruitment process, you may be invited to participate in a telephone and/or in-person interview.

Should you pass the interview, your application will be made available for referral to departments seeking to fill related vacancies.

Your application will remain active for 12 months.

Current openings

We’re always interested in receiving applications. See our current openings.

Recruitment and selection

Upon the closing date of a job posting, all applications are reviewed by Human Resources. Due to the large number of applications we receive, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. If you do not hear from us, please continue to check for other opportunities.

To ensure a diversified and representative workforce, Manitoba Public Insurance invites Indigenous persons, visible minorities and persons with disabilities to apply. We encourage you to declare your employment equity status when completing your online application.

General overview of the recruitment and selection process

  • Apply online.
  • Short-listed candidates will be invited to participate in the recruitment process.
  • The recruitment process may include a variety of assessment methods such as testing, written assignments, presentations, interviews, etc. Depending upon the requirements for the position, the assessment methods used in a recruitment process may differ.
  • If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted via phone or email to schedule your interview. One or more interviews may be scheduled.
  • If you require accommodation due to a physical or other limitation, please let us know when you are contacted to participate in the recruitment process.
  • A satisfactory criminal record check and education verification will be required for all successful candidates. Proof of education credentials will be required.
  • Please note, candidates must be legally eligible to work in Canada.

Benefits and programs

Health benefits

We offer a comprehensive health benefits program that includes:

  • flexible health, dental and vision plans
  • health spending account
  • travel health coverage
  • other extended health benefits such as ambulance, massage and physiotherapy

Financial security

In an effort to support financial security, we offer:

  • registered pension plan
  • group, dependent, and optional life insurance coverage
  • critical illness insurance
  • sick leave to cover short-term disability
  • long-term disability


We offer programs that focus on how to better achieve a balance between work and personal commitments, as well as maintain a healthy workplace culture. This includes:

  • vacation entitlement
  • maternity, parental and adoptive leaves
  • bereavement and family responsibility leaves
  • employee and family assistance program
  • mental-health programming
  • lunch-and-learn offerings
  • discounted gym memberships and wellness account

Diversity and inclusion

Manitoba Public Insurance believes that diversity and inclusion strengthens us. We consider ourselves to be a barrier-free organization where individual values, beliefs and practices are respected and appreciated for the diversity they bring to our work life.

Employee recognition

It’s important to recognize our employees for their contributions. Not only do we recognize employees as they achieve milestone years in their careers, we also have several outlets for leaders and peers to reward each other for work well done.

Professional development

We want our employees to grow, which is why we offer support in keeping their skills up-to-date. We offer in-house training, professional development and an educational assistance program.

Safety and health

In an effort to encourage a safe and healthy work environment, we offer various safety, health and workplace policies and programs along with technical expertise and assistance to support employee activities in safety and health.

Student programs

We offer such opportunities as:

  • Professional Internship Program
  • Summer students
  • Co-op students

Professional Internship Program

The key to meaningful employment is having the right skills and educational background. But getting a job where you can put these things to use can be difficult without any real life work experience to back it up.

Imagine working side-by-side with leaders in your field of study. Imagine building upon the skills you’ve learned in the classroom. Now, imagine yourself in a paid Professional Internship with Manitoba Public Insurance.

As a Professional Intern, you will gain meaningful, real-world experience and bridge the gap between post-secondary and your career. As one of the province’s Top Employers, we’ll ensure you get the training, tools and encouragement you need to succeed. We provide a respectful, inclusive work environment with clear and consistent direction. We ensure our people have the support they need to do their jobs!


To be eligible for a one-year Professional Internship with Manitoba Public Insurance you must:

  • Be enrolled in a minimum two-year program at a recognized university or college in Manitoba.
  • Be in your graduation year.
  • Be in an area of study that is relevant to a career at Manitoba Public Insurance.

Preferred skills

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong analytical and decision-making skills.
  • Ability to deal with highly confidential matters.
  • Attention to detail and effective time-management skills.
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities.
  • Related work experience is an asset.


The recruitment of Professional Internship opportunities typically occurs each spring. Visit our current openings to view our available opportunities.

Summer students

Manitoba Public Insurance accepts resumes for summer employment opportunities. We offer the opportunity to learn and gain valuable work experience, allowing you to enhance your employment prospects upon graduation.

There are a variety of opportunities available for students with an educational background in the following fields:

  • Accounting/Finance
  • Business Administration/Commerce
  • Computer Science
  • Communications/Public Relations
  • Human Resources


To qualify, you must be enrolled in full-time studies and returning to school for the following academic year.


The recruitment of summer students typically occurs each spring. Visit our current openings to view our available opportunities.

Co-op students

Co-op placements provide structured, supervised professional work experience which Manitoba Public Insurance supports by offering paid work terms directly related to a student’s academic studies. This allows students to earn academic credit for their educational program or fulfills the practical experience required for certification. Manitoba Public Insurance works in partnership with the educational facility in arranging these placements.


To qualify, you must be registered in a Co-operative Educational Program through your school.


An invitation to apply may be posted at your school or applications may be organized through your co-op program coordinator. Please speak with your program coordinator for further information.

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